Wednesday 12 September 2012


everyone have their on target including me .. this is some of my target before my age reaching to 32 ..
(i hope , i can get my own sport car before my age 32)

(my own house )
hope ill be here one day

Saturday 8 September 2012

paintball + pain ball

(yellow mask show that there are photographer in the field )
11.05 pam .. paintball is an outdoor activities in which they use paintball marker (paintball gun ) and capsule that contain water soluble and gelatin shell that is (paintball)...
once they said GAME START , then the player will move and find their own target .. 
once the game has finished , the player are not allowed to take out their mask..
international islamic school of adni student 2010

Sunday 2 September 2012

"tak kan melayu hilang di dunia"

(masa ni umur 19 x silap)

feel wanted story tradition org melayu article .. Here is some diagrams close to the golden time when I grew up to be org melayu, because if it was not us then who else will continue the tradition , but for me it is not just a tradition but it has a thousand meanings hidden behind the black color .. because it is not just the color but it could be more like a shadow behind the man that always following us. like the old quote says "DIAM-DIAM UBI BERISI " hee (laughing). 

(gamba ni dalam mengajar budak2 ni )

my school time

now I still did not feel sleepy at 3:32 am . people saying that school time is fun and the most memory that we cannot forget .
(masa ni aku x ingat darjah berapa )

(semua tu classmate aku , 1malaysia ) 

when i was child

name : amir khairi b abd haffidz .
dob : 3.12.####
gendre : male
i have 4 siblings, im 3rd out of 4 ..